Monday, March 16, 2009

Exercise update

I'm not sure if I mentioned it but with my vision correction surgery recovery I had to lay off the running for about a week and a half. It is funny how you can catch the running bug and when you can't do it you about go stir-crazy.

Well after 13 days off I got back on the treadmill. Last Thursday I thought I would ease back into it and ran 2 miles. That seemed to go well so Friday I tried to push it back up to my normal 2.5 miles with the end result of a blister on each foot, but made the distance.

Back in December I had to 'apply' for a spot in the fitness focus group at work. We all had to give some examples of what we would like to accomplist with the program. At the time I felt an aggressive weight loss goal was 40 pounds. Along with the completion of my weight loss goal two weeks early I figured why not go for my running goal as well. So today I tacked on another .5 mi and achieved my goal of a continuous run of 3 miles. It is slow at a 12 minute mile pace but it is complete...including another small blister.

The initial 12 week program ends, I think, a week from Thursday and I am also signed up for the 5k race portion of the Olathe Marathon the following weekend. I guess now I can shoot for a better time. I've already knocked a good 14 minutes off of my 5k time in a month and a half so it is all gravy from here right? :)

Think I can drop another 9 lbs in a week and a half to make it an even 50?

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