I have taken up running on the treadmills after work so I have not been posting any workouts lately. The battery on my foot pod is dead and it seems a little silly to upload workouts with just the heart rate data on it.
I have however been getting some running in. I ran on MWF the 1st, 3rd, 5th, WF the 10th, 12th and today, Monday the 15th. The distances were 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 1.75, 3.1 and 3.1 miles. That is right kids, I have built back up to my 5k distance a week before my scheduled run. (for those that don't remember I am scheduled to do the Gobble Grind 5k this Sunday) Hooray for me! :)
It is nice that my company provides a workout room. We have 4 treadmills, 5 ellipticals and 5 stationary bikes along with a few dumbells. (along with 3 foosball and 5 ping pong tables) The only thing that sucks about the room is that there is no TV, no radio, if I am lucky there may be one more person there running but otherwise it is a 30' x 60' room with nothing going on. It is enough to make you die from boredom when you are running for 40+ minutes with no visual or audio stimulus. Am I finished yet?
I still do not have an "official" weigh in. The last time I used the "official scale" at work with weight and body fat percentage the batteries were dead in it. Last Friday I did get on one of the other scales in the workout room after running 3 miles...I came in at 299. I am hanging steady but I had to take a notch up on the belt the other day. I must be building my legs up again. Then again the measurements from the last post show that I am slimming down.
Well I am off to bed readers. I have noticed that I need more sleep and I sleep harder than I was before running so much. Good thing I have the house now instead of the apartment, the neighbors would be beating on the walls to get me to turn the alarm down.
I am reading Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker, author of a blog by the same name, and he had a good quote that caught my eye today...Health is the presence of something positive, rather than the absence of something negative.
Tim VanOrden of Running Raw said something similar a year or two ago. I paraphrase: if modern medicine's goal is to get you to a "feel good" state of zero from a scale of -100 to 0 just imagine what you would feel like if you ate right and exercised, going from 0 to +100. Wouldn't that be amazing.
(a bunch of my awesome, holistically energetic and health-conscious friends at a birthday bash/going-away party over the weekend...I am on the left)
'night all...
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