Thursday, October 14, 2010

Catching up the run logs

Hi guys. I realized that I was letting my run logs were stacking up on me and figured I was due for a post.

Last week I only made it out for two runs. I snapped the pic below after my Thursday run. Either I had some kind of reaction to the mushrooms that I found on the 3rd or I somehow got a the weirdest chigger outbreak I've ever had. Anyway I ended up with these itchy red hives from the ankles all the way up both legs and a spot or two on my upper body. I noticed the breakout on Tues. the 5th and I still have less itchy spots today, the 14th.

Anyway it was either being cautious or being lazy but I didn't want to push it last week just in case I had any type of respiratory inflammation associated with the breakout.

This week I got out on Tuesday & today and got some miles in. I ran out 2 miles and varied how much running I did on the way back in.

I am going to be a glutton for punishment and go out mushroom foraging again on Saturday with the KC Outdoor Adventure Group (event link here). Sunday I am going to shoot for doing the virtual 5k event on Facebook (link). This is basically just one of those get out and do sumthin' type of set location, no set time, just go do it.

I forgot my weekly Wednesday weigh-in post it at work again. Officially nothing much happened but I have a few caveats/bitches about this week's reading. If I remember I will make a post in the morning when I get to work.

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